The mode of each port can be selected in software by creating a new object and opening it on the desired port. A VINT Hub Port is a versatile interface that combines the functionality of analog inputs, digital inputs, and digital outputs. The main advantages of VINT are versatility, modularity, connectivity and stability. VINT stands for Versatile Interface, and it's the system that all modern Phidgets use to communicate.

Set analog outputs to control electronic equipment.Display text on an LCD display to create custom user interface such as cashbox.Set digital outputs to switch lights and other electrical devices.Read digital and analog inputs to control your solution by physical controls.Control servo motors to automate moving parts of robots and machines.Capture sensor data to collect environmental data such as temperature or force.Read and write RFID tags to track goods, assets and people.in August 2017.Ģ4U Phidgets Plug-In allows FileMaker Pro to interact with various Phidgets boards to let your solution control physical devices and physical devices to control your solution.Ģ4U Phidgets Plug-In allows FileMaker Pro users to:

The popular plug-in for integrating FileMaker solutions with hardware devices, such as relays, envrionmental sensors, RFID, and more, now adds support for the smart VINT interface announced by Phidgets Inc. This new version of the popular hardware integration plug-in adds compatibility with VINTĢ4U has released 24U Phidgets Plug-In 3.0 for FileMaker Pro 14 through 17. 24U releases 24U Phidgets Plug-In 3.0 for FileMaker Pro 14-17