There are two types of group calls you can make on Skype: audio calls and video calls. However, it only works with Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge. Skype for Web is another good option, because it saves you the hassle of downloading and installing the app. To make group calls, you can get the Skype app for Windows 10, Mac, Android, or iPhone. As a cross-platform or multi-platform app, Skype can be used on most operating systems and devices, which makes it a comfortable choice. Conference calls or group calls are one of Skype's most attractive features, and many users rely heavily on the app to get a hold of colleagues or to check on loved ones. With over 100 million monthly users, Skype is a popular app dedicated to keeping people in touch. First things first: About conference calls or group calls on Skype Group calls can include people who have Skype installed on any PC or device. NOTE: Skype lets you create audio and video group calls with people who use different computing platforms.

How do you plan to use Skype group calls?.How to make Skype audio and video group calls from your Mac.How to make audio and video group calls using Skype on an iPhone.How to make Skype audio and video group calls from an Android smartphone.How to make audio and video group calls with Skype for Web in Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge.How to make Skype audio and video group calls in Windows 10.First things first: About conference calls or group calls on Skype.